LucSculpture has welcomed Cheryl Lobe Therias as artist – art teacher in the month of November.
Cheryl arrived in Toronto 2 years ago coming directly from Nice, France where she was settled living, teaching and creating for some 20 years. Cheryl holds a BFA from the Emily Carr Institute of Art, Vancouver, BC and a Masters of education from Pace University, N Y. She studied ceramics for 2 years with Jean Roy at the Ecole des Beaux arts in Vallauris, France. Following her own path of self expression in various forms of 2 and 3 dimensional mediums, most recently she had an installation of her ceramics in La Gaude and St Paul de Vence, France and is preparing for its sequel in Saskatchewan. She taught IB Art, IGCSE and basic art classes to all age groups at the International School of Nice throughout the years since 1989.
Cheryl will offer classes in English and French. She is offering a drawing and painting class for young children 6 to 12 years Saturday mornings from 10 to 11:30 starting November 2 for 6 weeks. She is also opening the doors to the ceramic studio to offer workshops in hand building, wheel techniques and various glazing options on Tuesdays from 10 to 1pm or 1 to 4pm for adults and Tuesdays and Fridays 4:30 to 6pm for the young at art: ages 6 to 12. Cheryl is enchanted with the studio space created by Luc and feels she has finally felt at home in a studio since returning to Canada. She looks forward to future exchanges with fellow members, artists and students.
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Cheryl est arrivee a Toronto en 2008 depuis Nice en France, ou elle etait installee depuis 20 ans, a creer et enseigner. Cheryl est titulaire d'un Bachelor of Fine Arts du Emily Carr Institute of Art de Vancouver, et d'un Master en education de Pace Universite dans l'etat de New York. Elle a suivi pendant 2 ans l'enseignement en ceramique de Jean Roy a l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Vallauris en France. Suivant en cela un itineraire personnel d'expression utilisant des techniques a 2 ou 3 dimensions, elle a recemment expose ses ceramiques a St Paul de Vence en France, et prepare dans la continuite une exposition en Saskatchewan. Depuis 1989. elle a enseigne l'art aussi bien dans le cadre des cursus International Baccalaureat et IGCSE a l'International School of Nice, que dans des classes libres pour tous les ages.
Elle va animer le studio de ceramique et offre des ateliers de modelage, d' estampage, du plaque et des pieces faconnee au tour avec des techniques de glacure sur ceramique.
Cheryl est enchantee de l'espace que Luc a cree
et se sent enfin chez elle dans un studio depuis qu'elle est revenue au Canada.
Elle est prete d'echanger avec d'autres membres, artistes ou eleves.
Cheryl Mae Lobe Therias' blog; Recent Work, Workshops and Exhibitions
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Raku Firings in October and November
Enjoying the beautiful fall weather out at the Organic Farm near Hamilton where we had two full days doing Raku workshops.
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